Manufacturing company saves over 1,000 hours daily with WiFi improvements



The manufacturing company had major WiFi connectivity problems. Their handheld scanners often disconnected and didn’t roam properly, causing delays and frustration among the team. The unreliable WiFi slowed down the workflow and prevented efficient package processing. With over 500 operators, these delays led to a huge loss of productivity.


Client Profile


  • Company: US-based manufacturing company
  • Workforce: 2000+ employees
  • Industry: Manufacturing – Food Processing

Our Solutions


WiFi Audit and Fixes

HIFENCE performed a detailed WiFi audit, finding both connectivity and security issues. We identified problems with the WiFi deployment and scanner configurations. After these changes, the customer and operators saw significant improvements.

Enhanced Security

We also found and fixed several security vulnerabilities, reducing significant risks and making the WiFi network more secure.


The Results


Reliable Network

After our recommendations, the company’s WiFi network became stable and secure, resolving connectivity issues.

Increased Productivity

The improved WiFi setup saved each operator 2 hours per day. With over 500 operators, this added up to more than 1,000 hours saved daily, increasing package processing and overall productivity.

Strategic Growth

The increased efficiency allowed management to plan new activities without needing more staff, strengthening the business.


“Thank you for the support and guidance! It really helped us improve our WiFi environment and our overall IT setup. Our operators can finally work without frustration and interruption!” — IT Manager

Ready to Improve Your Network?


If you’re looking to enhance your WiFi connectivity and boost productivity, reach out to us. We’re here to help your business thrive.

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critical applications protected

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annual savings

We helped one SMB in the Media industry save over $80,000 annually by conducting a thorough cybersecurity audit and cutting unnecessary costs. For many SMBs, this significant saving can be reallocated towards growth and innovation, making a noticeable impact on their operations.