
Prove your company’s strong commitment to protecting sensitive data by complying with ISO 27001

To guide your company or organization on how to adhere to the best practices for protecting sensitive data, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) along with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) developed ISO 27001 – a set of global standards for information security. Following these world-recognized standards is essential in proving that your company is actively committed to the high degree of information security that’s needed in today’s world, where cyberthreats are growing and becoming more sophisticated. This not only helps to keep your customers’ and business partners’ data secure, but it also proves to them and others how serious you are about having an information security management system (ISMS) that follows the best practices.

As important as ISO 27001 compliance is, it’s no simple matter to achieve compliance with ISO 27001’s expansive and intricate requirements. This is especially true for organizations that don’t have the wherewithal to manage such complex compliance on their own. HIFENCE compliance experts can provide the services and advice your company needs to achieve and maintain ISO 27001 compliance.

ISO 27001 requirements

It is mandatory for a company or organization wanting to achieve ISO 27001 compliance to follow a comprehensive six-step Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). HIFENCE cybersecurity experts and services can help, quite literally, every step of the way.

01. Define a Security Policy
When defining your information security policy, you must include administrative, technical and physical security controls that align with your ISMS strategy. And it is mandatory that you include information on how you will assess and mitigate the risks that are present.
02. Define Scope of ISMS
When defining your ISMS, it’s important to note what it will cover and, more importantly, what you will leave out (such as external vendors, remote branches, and similar items). Answers to questions such as “What are your controls that make sure that you have proper security and privacy in place?” need to be included in the ISMS, as it will be used as a blueprint for your controls
03. Conduct a Risk Assessment
Conducting a risk assessment helps you identify risks and assign low, medium or high-risk levels. Risk assessment helps to answer the following fundamental questions:

What events could occur, reasons why, and specific resulting risks?


What dangers do these risks bring with them?


What is the likelihood of these events reoccurring?


In what ways can these dangers and risks be reduced or mitigated?

We will guide you in all the steps so that your risk assessment is clear and to the point.
04. Manage Identified Risks
After you identified the risks in Step 3, you can start managing the identified risks, which we will guide you through. A general best practice of the mitigation efforts is to start with the highest identified risks, and then work your way down.
05. Select Controls and Control Objectives
We will help you identify the control objectives and the associated measurable controls. Because this daunting part of the process can create a high workload for your team, we will help you document and track it.
06. Prepare a Statement of Applicability
Any external auditor would request a justification on why some controls were included, and why others were excluded. This is where the Statement of Applicability’s importance is most evident.

How we can help


To assist you in achieving ISO 27001 compliance as quickly and efficiently as possible, our ISO 27001 Compliance experts will help to mitigate risks by exposing and shoring up vulnerabilities.

Security Architecture Services
This service helps you both define a holistic view of your company’s security strategy, and meet the requirements to achieve the ISO 27001 compliance. It serves as an important role in defining your security policy (Step 1).
It also provides the tools to clearly define the entire scope of the information security management system and helps you select control objectives and the controls to achieve compliance (Step 2; Step 5).
Our Security Architecture Services will also advise you on the preparation of your Statement of Applicability (Step 6).

Security Testing and Monitoring
Our services work together to help you define your infrastructure risk for information security. Vulnerability Management provides insights on the security posture of your infrastructure while our penetration testing professionals act like hackers to expose weaknesses in your security information capabilities, exposing what assets are at risk of exploitation.

Our security monitoring collects all relevant infrastructure data so you can make the fastest, smartest decisions in case of an information security breach. It also helps you conduct risk assessment by identifying all the communication between your assets (Step 3).

Incident Detection & Response
Our incident detection & response services help you manage an identified risk. HIFENCE Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service detects threats to your network’s data, and conducts forensics so your response will be fast and highly effective. By combining it with our managed firewall service, you can automate the response and block the attack directly on your first line of the defense (Step 4).

Schedule your FREE Consultation


A HIFENCE expert will conduct a quick overview of your network’s cybersecurity and ISO 27001 compliance posture and present actionable roadmaps for achieving full compliance.