Protect cardholder data
and comply with PCI DSS Standard!
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) includes both technical and operational requirements to protect data of cardholders, and must be followed by any merchant or organization that stores, processes or transmits cardholder data.
The reach of this standard is global, and failure to comply with PCI DSS can be costly, both in the possible fines — which can reach up to $100,000 a month — and in litigation. But even more expensive can be the harm a security breach causes to a company’s reputation and trust among its customers and the general public. While a fully PCI DSS-compliant company could still become a victim of a cardholder data security breach, the major card companies might levy a reduced fine, or waive the penalty entirely, if that company has proven to have faithfully followed the PCI DSS standards.
This makes it all the more important for a company that stores, processes or transmits payment card data to also maintain complete PCI DSS compliance. To assure that your company meets PCI DSS requirements, our security solutions provide 24/7 real-time monitoring capabilities to detect and prevent payment card data breaches. We also identify any vulnerabilities or errors that might expose cardholder data, as well as provide the most effective ways to respond should an attack occur.
PCI DSS requirements
PCI DSS was established by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, composed of the world’s leading payment card companies. PCI stipulates that for a company to accept payment cards it must strictly adhere to a set of requirements grouped into 6 goals reflecting best security practices:
Build and Maintain a
Secure Network & Systems
Protect Account
Maintain a Vulnerability Management
Implement Strong
Access Control
Compliance is mandatory, and must be validated annually. Breaches or lapses in achieving or maintaining compliance can lead to hefty penalties, both financial and legal, as well as reputational.
How we can help
The world economy heavily depends upon the safe and secure processing of literally trillions of dollars of annual cardholder transactions. Every single one of the billions of cardholder transactions needs to be protected from cyberattacks aimed at stealing the cardholder data. The best defense against the growth of these cyberattacks is the proper implementation and maintenance of PC DSS requirements. In fact, a substantial amount of the world economy depends upon it.
HIFENCE cybersecurity services can help your organization mitigate dangers of cardholder data being compromised, and keep you PCI DSS-compliant. We’ll first assess your system’s security profile as it relates to PCI requirements, and then make recommendations for shoring up your system’s vulnerabilities and possible gaps. Then, to keep your system and the cardholder data it holds safe from cyber threats, we will provide cybersecurity solutions and technical controls, including 24/7 monitoring, threat detection and response, vulnerability and penetration testing, among other advanced safeguards. So no matter how complex or challenging PCI DSS requirements are, you’ll be in full compliance with every one of them.

Assess and address your company’s security profile
Network & Security Architecture Services
A key goal of the PCI DSS standard is to build and maintain a secure network. To ensure that your network & security architecture is fully PCI DSS-compliant, we help define an architecture that suits both your company’s card processing infrastructure and the PCI DSS standard.
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Managed Firewall
One specific requirement of PCI DSS is to have a firewall that segments the network between cardholder data and everything else. The firewall is your company’s first line of defense, which makes our managed firewall services especially important to companies entrusted with storing, processing or transmitting cardholder data.
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Perform continuous security hardening of your card processing infrastructure
Vulnerability Management
PCI DSS requires a company to maintain a vulnerability management program and to monitor and test networks regularly. Our vulnerability scans will provide your company with the information needed to keep your systems fully patched and secure. We also deliver compliance scanning to further ensure PCI DSS compliance.
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Penetration Testing
Our penetration testing team acts like actual hackers seeking cardholder data, enabling us to find where a system and security controls can be breached.
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Protect against cybertheft of cardholder data
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
HIFENCE MDR delivers full incident management for real-time monitoring and it both identifies security breaches or deviation from PCI DSS standards, and conducts forensics so your response will be rapid and highly effective.
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Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
An important PCI DSS requirement is the mandatory usage of anti-malware software. Our EDR services are critical in monitoring the user behavior at endpoints, where cardholder information is especially vulnerable to data exfiltration, and provide anti-malware services. HIFENCE EDR includes an operation baseline to ensure that our best practices are implemented and are in line with the PCI DSS requirements.
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Managed SIEM
Because SIEM is effective in monitoring and alerting on unauthorized, unexpected communication, it can notify you if malicious players are either attempting to enter or are already in your infrastructure to steal cardholder data.
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Managed Network Services
Because PCI DSS also requires that a company segment its network, it’s essential to have a
network device that functions properly and has all the latest security patches. We make sure that your network device is functional, fully up to date, and has the latest security packages installed. You can also feel secure in knowing that if issues ever arise, HIFENCE network experts are here for you, 24/7.
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Schedule your FREE Consultation
A HIFENCE expert will conduct a quick overview of your network’s cybersecurity and PCI DSS compliance posture and present actionable roadmaps for achieving the highest level of
cardholder data protection.